Goal Meter Set for Fundraising Activity
By Fundraising
February 20, 2023

Abingdon Fire Company's Fundraising Team works hard each year to raise money for the fire company. This money has been useful to replace equipment, apparatus, provide training and provide up to date resources for our members. The fundraising team has planned out several events for the year 2023 in light to raise money for a specific goal. All of this is not possible without the communities help, which is why we want to show you our progress towards our goal.

The fundraising Team has set out to raise funds to improve our sign at both our House 1 (Abingdon Main Station) and House 3 (Willoughby Beach Road). These signs would replace our outdated sign that has to be manually changed periodically with old fashion clear letters. The new signs will be electronic LED and will be able to provide information related to upcoming events, fire prevention safety tips, and other information related to the fire company. The information portrayed can be easily read while traveling past both of our stations.

To help track our progress towards our end goal of $40,000 to replace the signs, we are showcasing a meter to show the progress towards the end goal !Stay tuned as the meter will be updated periodically as we get closer to our goal.